Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Research and Nostalgia

Reading Trish Wylie's blogthis morning I realize I have a hefty bit of research in front of me for A Cornish House. Not that I mind research in fact I enjoy it but my mind is ichy to write. I am actually holding myself back from the process. Hopefully this means it will flow willy nilly when I begin. Let's hope so anyway :)

I am also quite excited to meet my best friend's neice this morning. She is over as an exchange student. I can't recall the last time I saw her in person but have a picture of her in my mind. She is wearing a sweater I made for her to match the one's I made for her parent's wedding present. You see her mother was like a big sister to me. So because I knew she was in the country this weekend, I found my self thinking about my childhood. Frightening - no. Interesting to me yes. Many images came to mind of screen doors, lilacs, tea, and piles of leaves. All good images really........I am also looking forward to sharing with my kids a bit of my history. They really know nothing of my life pre-England. So here's to C bringing on more memories and linking my kids to my past.

On another note, I have figured out how to add pictures to the blog! My technological brilliance, hah, never ceases to amaze me.

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